Lake Greenwood
Water clarity continues to be a challenge but the good news is that the rain appears to be slowing and lake level began its slow progression towards full pool with a target date of 4/15. Average water surface temp on Lake Greenwood was 53 degrees on Wednesday 2/15.
Crappie-Large female crappie are staging in the mouths of the creeks waiting on warmer water temps. Longlining jigs is the preferred method for targeting the fish. Average fish size is good this season on Greenwood.
Striper-locating striper on Greenwood this time of year can be a challenge. Gulls can be found in large concentrations all over the lake. Locating actively feeding gulls is the key to finding the fish. Casting/jigging spoons and casting Alabama rigs in to schools of bait is the preferred method.
Lake Russell
Water clarity on the upper end of Rocky River continues to be heavily stained. Water clears up nicely around Latimer and on most of Beaverdam Creek and Savannah. Water temps on Lake Russell remain around 53 degrees as of 2/12.
Crappie-As with Lake Greenwood, large females are staging at the creek mouths in the 30 foot depth range waiting for warmer water temps. Bridges are also a good bet. Casting into schools with jigs using livescope is the preferred method.
Striper/hybrid-Locating actively feeding gulls is key to finding Russell stripers. The bite has been excellent when birds are actively feeding. Mixed bags of striper, hybrid, and spotted bass are common. Casting alabama rigs and pulling live herring are the two preferred methods. Fish are scattered throughout the reservoir.
Clarks Hill/Thurmond
Water clarity is improving on Clarks Hill with the exception of SC Little River and its tributaries. Water temps as of 2/17 were 55 degrees.
Crappie-The crappie bite on Clarks Hill is excellent. Trips are averaging 25-40 quality fish. Long line trolling jigs is the preferred tactic.
Striper/hybrid-The striper bite on Clarks Hill is improving. As smaller threadfin shad begin dying off, fish will begin to focus more on herring and larger baits. Trolling live bait remains the preferred tactic.